First Monday special issue: “A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond”

I am extremely happy to announce the publication of “A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond”, a special issue of First Monday that I was privileged to co-edit with Dr. Anna L. Hoffmann. The issue includes an impressive set of…

Call for Chapters: “Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges”

I am extremely happy to announce this call for chapters for "Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges", which I am co-editing with Dr. Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the Institute for…

Loyola Digital Ethics presentation: “The Ethics of Twitter Research: A Topology of Disciplines, Methods and Ethics Review Boards”

Today I have the great privilege of presenting the preliminary results of a research project exploring the ethics of Twitter-based research, co-authored with Nick Proferes, at the second annual International Symposium on Digital Ethics, hosted by the Center for Digital…

ALA Choose Privacy Week Webinar: Youth Privacy Attitudes

In preparation for Choose Privacy Week,  the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom and American Libraries magazine hosted a webinar today, featuring the following panel of contributors: Angela Maycock, assistant director, ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy…

How to Adjust your Facebook Privacy Settings – 2009 Edition

Last year, as part of Milwaukee's 2008 OneWebDay celebration, I posted guidelines to help users adjust their Facebook privacy settings. This has been one of the most visited pages on my blog. Now that we're getting ready for the 2009…

The Laws of Social Networking: Promote Open Flows of Information, Make Privacy Hard

Here is my First Law of Social Networking: social networking sites are incentivized to promote the open and unfettered flow of mountains of personal information. Social networks' ability to make money through contextual and/or behavioral-targeted advertising is dependent on users…

School Bans Teacher-Student Communication on Social Networks

A Milwaukee-area school district has enacted a policy banning communication between school staff and students on social networking Web sites and instant messaging services. According to this report, the school board seems to be concerned over the fact they can't…

KCUR Podcast: Social Networking Sites – How they Work, Privacy and Safety

I recently had the pleasure and priviledge of joining Nancy Baym of the University of Kansas School of Communication Studies as a guest on Kansas City public radio's daily current events show, "Up To Date". The show's topic was social…

De-brief: AoIR IR9.0 Conference in Copenhagen

Over the past few days I have been attending the 9th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) in Copenhagen. This year's conference is "Internet Research 9.0 - Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place", and it has been expertly organized…